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2 min read
How to host your website on Azure | Step-by-Step Guide
Rakesh Potnuru

How to host your website on Azure | Step-by-Step Guide

Hosting your website on Azure is very simple. Just a few clicks ๐Ÿ‘€.

Final result

Final result


  1. Signup for an Azure account for free if you don't have one already. (Note: If you are a student you can get free credits)
  2. Basic git knowledge and a GitHub account.
  3. Your website.

Let's get started

  1. After creating an Azure account, login into
  2. Click on Create a resource.
  3. Search for Static Web App and select static web app.
  4. Click on Create. Azure Static Web App

Here we need to fill in a few details.

  1. In the project details, choose your subscription.
  2. For Resource Group click on create new and name it anything you like.
  3. Next, give your app a Name.
  4. Hosting plan: Free: For hobby or personal projects
  5. Next, select a region.
  6. After that, in deployment details select GitHub as the source and sign in with your GitHub account.
  • For Organization, choose your GitHub account from the dropdown.
  • Next, select Repository and Branch.
  1. Now Build details
  • For Build Presets, if your website is built with a framework or a static site generator then choose accordingly otherwise choose Custom.
  • For App location, choose where your app files are there or if it is a simple website with only HTML and CSS files leave it as /.
  1. Click on Review + Create. Demo

  2. Verify all the provided details and click Create.

  3. Wait for a few seconds, after deployment is complete click on Go to resource.

  4. Copy the URL, paste into a new tab and see. Demo

Congrats ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰! Your website is now live on the internet. Congrats gif If you have any doubts ask in the comments below ๐Ÿ‘‡.

Also read,

Hope this helps you! Save for reference.



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